Riemann zeta function is the most important equation in Number Theory, because it contains the secret of prime number. The Riemann zeta function can be expressed as:
Let's call a positive integer composite if it has at least one divisor other than $1$ and itself. For example:
the following numbers are composite: $1024,\ 4,\ 6,\ 9$;
the following numbers are not composite: $13,\ 1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 37$
You are given a positive integer $d$. Find two composite integers $a,\ b$ such that $b-a=d$.
It can be proven that solution always exists.
If there are several possible solutions, you can print any.
每行只有一個正整數 $d$,
以 EOF 結束。
對於每行讀入的 $d$,
輸出兩個數字 $a,\ b$ 符合題目條件,
且 $1 \le a < b \le 4294967295$。
100 1
100 200 24 25
對於 $40\%$ 的測資,測資行數不會超過 $1000$ lines。
對於 $100\%$ 的測資,測資行數不會超過 $50000$ lines。
所有的測資,$1 \le d \le 100000000$ 。
本題採 $special \ judge$ ,若有誤不吝告知。
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